26 November 2023
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women Conference on “Migrant Women and Gender Violence in the International, European and National Legal Framework” – 23 November 2023
On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on 23 November 2023 took place the Conference “Donne migranti e violenza di genere nel contesto giuridico internazionale, europeo e nazionale” [“Migrant Women and Gender Violence in the International, European and National Legal Framework”], where our Director, Prof. Anna Oriolo, participated as speaker with a speech on “Il divieto di velo islamico nella giurisprudenza internazionale tra parità di genere, neutralità religiosa e living together” [“The Ban on the Islamic Veil in International Case-Law Between Gender Equality, Religious Neutrality and Living Togheter”].