Professor Anja Matwijkiw’s Push for Multidisciplinary Scholarship as a U.S. Scientific Coordinator
U.S. Professor Anja Matwijkiw, one of our esteemed Scientific Coordinators for the Legal Multidisciplinary Observatory and the legal Observatory of International and European Criminal Law on Cultural Issues, Human Rights and Security (IECLO-CUHRSE), is the author of the “inauguration essay” for a whole new section of Oxford University Press’ Global Community Yearbook on International Law and Jurisprudence* (Yearbook).The section is called Ethics & Global Governance. Prior to having her multidisciplinary essay on regime hybridity and the democratic paradox selected – to be published in the upcoming edition of the Yearbook, Professor Anja Matwijkiw co-facilitated the introduction of Legal Philosophy and Ethics for the prestigious scholarly outlet. According to Professor Anja Matwijkiw, ethics is an embryonic phenomenon in international law, but it is exactly this fact that has inspired her to take bold steps in her career to promote multidisciplinary research on international law, governance, and ethics. One example is the advanced course she taught in her capacity as the U.S. Fulbright Distinguished Chair of Public International Law ( for the LL.M programme at Lund University’s Law Faculty and the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (Sweden). Three years have passed, but there is a very close connection between her realization then, that contemporary law students appreciate the role of ethics, and the pioneering work Professor Anja Matwijkiw does here and now. The Yearbook includes the cutting-edge research that Professor Anja Matwijkiw did with Dr. Bronik Matwijkiw, “The Emerging Ethics Evolution: The Evasive Connection Between Environmental Crimes, Philosophical Considerations of Public International Law, and the International Criminal Court’s Twentieth Anniversary” (22 Global Community YILJ 717 (2023), The IECLO-CUHRSE is dedicated to a broad range of multidisciplinary activities and, therefore, Salerno University is helping to pave the path for innovative methodologies and approaches that can distill the essence of findings and insights that concern values. Professors Teresa Russo, Anna Oriolo, and Gaspare Dalia also collaborated with Professor Anja Matwijkiw for the purpose of publishing their recent book Solidarity and Rule of Law. The New Dimension of EU Security (Teresa Russo, Anna Oriolo & Gaspare Dalia eds., Springer, Berlin, 2023, Ethics is a bridge between philosophy and policy broadly construed to include legislative initiatives, and Professor Anja Matwijkiw contributed her specialized multidisciplinary expertise to provide a stakeholder analysis in the context of the European Union. In her opinion, the push for multidisciplinary scholarship that incorporates ethics is an effort that puts the spotlight on some of the highest values in liberal democracy, such as sincerity, integrity, and consistency.
*The upcoming edition contains the following inauguration essay for Ethics & Global Governance as a new section of the Yearbook: Anja Matwijkiw, Let There Be Light! Regime Hybridity as a Reinvention of (Different Dimensions of) the Democratic Paradox, forthcoming in 23 Global Community Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence (Global Community YILJ) (Giuliana Ziccardi Capaldo gen. ed., Oxford University Press, New York, USA, 2024).